The most compact variety creating very low cover (5-10 cm height). Small evergreen leaves (1-1.5 cm) are dark with light green venation and turn red in autumn. It climbs over supports by means of rootlets. It thrives in every average, moderately moist but well-drained soil, acidic to moderately alkaline. Does not tolerate wet soil, sustains temporary draughts and urban conditions. Thrives in sunny, semi-shaded or even shady sites. Frost hardy – zone 5-8. It makes an excellent cover shrub for small spaces as it is not expansive or wide-spread and only requires occasional pruning. It takes some patience for the first 1-2 years of cultivation, however when it thickens and takes root it does not require any particular care and even tolerates some trampling. Best planted 10-15 pcs/m2.