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We invite you to visit our stand at the upcoming exhibitions:

Here you can see the pictures of our stand from the exhibitions that we took part in:

PLANTARIUM, Boskoop August 25-28, 2010

Plantarium 2010Our nursery submitted 3 clematis cultivars bred by Szczepan Marczyński for the novelty competition. The committee, appointed by Koninklijke Vereniging voor Boskoopse Culturen, awarded a silver medal to the Clematis 'Mazury' and bronze medals to the Clematis 'Królowa Jadwiga' and the Clematis 'Vistula'. What's more, the Clematis 'Mazury' also won a second Press Prize.

Read more: PLANTARIUM, Boskoop August 25-28, 2010

IPM - January 2010

IPM - January 2010She was wisiting our stand: Ilse Aigner – German Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.

Read more: IPM - January 2010

Exhibition 2009

Flowers (Cwiety) - September 2009Here you can watch the photos of our stand in 2009:

Read more: Exhibition 2009


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