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Changes in the naming of Clematis cultivars

Last year The Royal Horticulture Society published "The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002" compiled by Victoria Matthews. The International Clematis Society along with other Clematis societies throughout the world has accepted it.



The register introduces a number of changes in the hitherto used "The International Clematis Register and Checklist 2002"naming of cultivars. We have decided to adopt them in our nursery. The changes will also be reflected in the articles and descriptions on our site. In the majority of cases names are associated with the species that played a decisive role in breeding of new cultivars, as in the case of Integrifolia Group (from Clematis integrifolia) or Viticella Group (from Clematis viticella). The formation of Atragene Group is more complex as its name does not come from one clematis species, but from the name of Atragene section. The group comprises Clematis alpina, chiisanensis, faurieri, koreana, macropetala, ochotensis, occdentalis, sibirica, turkestanica.

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